Getting your hands on Javascript Object-Oriented Programming (1)

Getting your hands on Javascript Object-Oriented Programming (1)

Table of contents

Before diving deep into javascript OOP, what is OOP?, OOP is all about modeling a system as a collection of objects.

Javascript is not a class-based object-oriented language, it is a prototype-based language. The features of OOP can be found in my LinkedIn post URL below

Javascript OOP

When creating classes in javascript OOP, we use the class keyword which is an ECMAScript 6 (ES6) syntax.

For example:

class Car{
    /* We decalare a class called Car */

In javascript classes, we have properties and methods. In procedural programming, it is called variables and functions respectively.

class Car{
    /* We decalare a class called Car */

    tyres; // this is a property
    sidemirror; // this is a property
    engine; // this is a property

        // this is method
        // the contents of the accelerate() method runs immediately it is called
        // this is method
        // the contents of the accelerate() method runs immediately it is called


Some javascript newbie developers become overwhelmed when they encounter the constructor() method for the first time.
The constructor() is simply a special method that creates and initializes an object instance of a class. Still sounds strange, right?
The constructor() gets invoked when an object is created with the new keyword.

Therefore the new keyword ensures that the constructor() method is invoked.
Let's jump to the code:

class Car{
    /* We decalare a class called Car */

    // declaring the properties here could be ommited
    // since constructor() method will create all the properties before initializing them.
    tyres; // this is a property
    sidemirror; // this is a property
    engine; // this is a property

    // Listing out properties is a good pratice although it could be ommited as well

    // constructor() method
    constructor(tyres, sidemirror, engine){
        this.tyres = tyres
        this.sidemirror = sidemirror
        this.engine = engine

        // this is method
        // the contents of the accelerate() method runs immediately it is called

In the code snippet above, I made use of the this keyword.

Let's take a brief look at what the this keyword does.

The this keyword refers to the object itself, which is Car object.
Therefore any property that gets bonded to a this keyword is accessible globally in the class.

Let's jump to code once again:

class Car{
  /* We decalare a class: Car */

 // create a property: speed
 // and initialize it with a default value of: 30
 // speed; - omitted

 // constructor() method will create the speed property before initializing it.
     this.speed = speed

     // increases the object
     this.speed += 20

   return this.speed

let ford = new Car(20)
console.log(ford.speed) // 20

console.log(ford.speed) // 40

It is also not mandatory for you to create a constructor() method on every class, you could omit it. But there would be no personalization of any objects created from that blueprint or class.